Monday, September 18, 2006

newest member of the makingourway team

Our daughter was born earlier today weighing in at a very healthy 7 lbs.
Mommy makingourway is exhausted and recovering well. Daddy is tired and shuttling other children between school and hospital - hoping to keep them happy, included and minimize jealousy.

Any hints here?

Have a wonderful day,


Denise Mall said...

Congratulations - May your miracle provide you with years of love and happiness.

When my 2nd child was born, I messed up big time. I let my mom keep my son and he didn't return until I was already home with my daughter. My heart broke when he didn't want to come home and stay with me.

So, with my baby, I made my husband bring both of my other children to the hospital. I didn't have the baby in the room when they got there and I asked them if they wanted to see "their" new baby. Of course they said yes. Then after introductions were complete, I asked if they liked the baby. And they did. I then asked if they wanted to keep it. And thankfully they did.

It did the trick, never did I see jealousy beyond sibling rivalry.

BAD said...

I'm a day late, but congratulations! I'm glad to hear all is well :)

GettingToEnough said...

Congratulations! We just had a newborn last month, our 3rd also, so we know what you're going through.

2million said...


StealthBucks said...

Congrats in every way...